District 1 | Victorville City Council
Amplifying Community Voices

I’ve heard from many of you who feel that your concerns are not being addressed by the city’s leadership. I want to change that. Every resident of Victorville deserves to have their voice heard, but too many feel that their concerns are ignored.

I believe that a strong community is one where everyone has a say in the decisions that affect their lives. If elected, I will establish community advisory committees to ensure that your voices are heard and that your concerns are brought directly to the City Council. I will also work to increase public participation in city governance by encouraging more residents to attend City Council meetings and by being a visible, accessible presence in the community. I’m committed to being “the people’s councilwoman,” someone who is out in the community, actively listening, and working to address your needs. 

By empowering residents to take an active role in the future of Victorville, we can create a city that truly reflects the values and priorities of its people.


Building Stronger Relationships with Nonprofits and Community Leaders

Victorville is blessed with a strong network of nonprofits and community organizations that provide essential services to our residents. However, there is still untapped potential in these partnerships. I believe we can do more to support these organizations and create stronger partnerships between the city, nonprofits, and residents. My strength lies in building relationships, and I intend to use that skill to create a network of resources that benefit everyone. 

Whether it’s expanding resources for the homeless, supporting educational initiatives, or promoting health and wellness programs, these partnerships are key to addressing the challenges we face. If elected, I will prioritize creating a unified approach that maximizes the impact of these resources and ensures that every resident has access to the support they need. I believe that by working more closely with nonprofits and community leaders, we can create a stronger, more connected Victorville. 

Enhancing Educational Opportunities

Victorville’s children deserve safe and effective education, and I’m committed to working with local school districts and community programs to ensure they get it. But education isn’t just about what happens in the classroom—I want to create new programs to invest in the future of Victorville. If elected, I will advocate for the creation of vocational training programs, internships, and other initiatives that prepare our young people for the workforce and help them build successful careers. By supporting our local educators, we help our children succeed while building a stronger, more resilient Victorville for generations to come.

I’m passionate about these issues because I believe they are essential to creating a Victorville where everyone can thrive. With your support, I’m ready to bring a fresh perspective to the City Council and work tirelessly to make our community the best it can be.

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